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Hollywood is notonly movie studios andabode of the stars, thisalso a huge television business,record companies, commercial publishing houses , tourist offices.In a word, gigantica machine that continuously delivers entertainment and100% subject to lawsbusiness world. There is no profit herefrom the box office is only a thin onetop layer ANDthe lion's share of profits to companiesprovide product placement(let's remember, for example , howin the film "The Matrix" ineveryone flashes before our eyes every secondpossible products of the Samsung brand, andlet's try to imagine how much she earned from thisfilm studio), sale of rights tofilms for airlines, use of heroes ingames/comics/advertisements , releasesouvenir products.Let's not forget, no matter howI wanted to forget about it, that Hollywood cinema is quietalso serves state interests. Often the customer of that orthere is another tapePentagon. "The green onesberet" by John Ray, "The best shooter" by Tony Scott,"Pearl Harbor" by Michael Bay, "A Dayindependence " by Roland Emmerich, "Thirty minutes aftermidnight" Kathryn Bigelow, "Man fromof steel" by Zack Snyder and many other films in whichor else a good word soundsabout the state and its military power, removedto order and with solid financial participationPentagon.


Steven Spielberg –an outstanding American director, a pupil of the Californianuniversity . Yourcreative path beganon television The cinematic debut of S.Spielberg had a film "Duel", in whichin an allegorical form (a big truck is chasingpassenger car) the director condemned any manifestations of violence . This onetape became forSpielberg symbolically , to be surethereby defining the leitmotif of his work- confirmationideals of humanism, which found their embodiment in films of all genres, in which the director worked, – "Shchelep i" (film-kata stanza).The impeccable professional skill of S. Spielberg's films determined the highevaluation of itcreativity on the part of specialists, and most importantly -great interest of the audience . It is indicative of thisofficial sociological fact: afterrelease on the screens of the thirdparts of the adventures of Indiana Jonesincreased sharplycompetition forarchaeological departmentAmerican universities .The real creative triumph of S. Spielberg was the picture"Schindler's List " -or notthe highest achievement of world cinema inunderstanding and tragediesgenocide is terribleof a crime against humanity committedfascists.

Movies of the thriller genre do not have clear signs, but cause the viewer a feeling of tense experience and excitement. Sometimes horror films are included in the category of thrillers, and in some places also detective-adventure films, in which the emphasis is shifted to the preparation for some unique crime. Director A. Hitchcock is considered a recognized master of thrillers.

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Scorsese and others; western– "Dances with Wolves"K. Kostner, psychological dramas - "Marathonets"J. Schlesinger, "Rain Man" by B. Levinsop, "Scent of a Woman" by M.Brest, "People vs. LarryFlint" by M. Foreman; disaster films - "Titanic" by D. Cameron and others.A characteristic feature of the modern American film process is active involvement incollaboration of leading foreign directors - L.Besson ("The Fifth Element", "Joan of Arc"), E.Kusturitsy ("Undegrau nd"), J.By ("Without a face"), E.Mengele ("The Englishman and the Patient","That gentleman is talentedRipley"), etc.The starry sky of Hollywood flash is new names. Nearwith recognized stars of the 80s and 90sx pp. A.Schwarzenegger , S. Stallone, R. Girom G. Ford,K. Costner, T. Cruz, N.Cage, S. Stone, K. Basinger, J. Foster, young actors A.diCaprio, E. North, D. Lowe.So, the cycle of acting life in Hollywood is endless...Characterizing recent significant eventsin US cinema, noone can not forget the phenomenon thatgot the name "tarantinomania". It's about creativityK. Tarantino. His movie" It's not a crimereading material" became to a certain extentepochal for the entire world film process. This istestimonythat the film world is tired of crueltyand started laughing. Today, K. Tarantino is considereda peculiar symbol of the new cinema, whichwon favor asintellectuals , yesandmass audience.

A separate milestone of Ukrainian cinema is the screen adaptation of works of classical literature: "Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors" (1964), "Ukraine on Fire" (1967), "Stone Cross" (1968), "Natalka Poltavka" (1978), "Black Council" (2000 ) etc. Such films primarily convey the Ukrainian flavor: scenery, picturesque landscapes of Ukrainian lands, language diversity. Films based on the motives, or completely based on the plots of the classical literary heritage, supposedly remind Ukrainians that literature is easily used on big screens. Although the films have been shot since the 60s of the 20th century, their popularity has not waned.

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