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The 20s of the 20th century were marked by the creation of Ukrainian film studios. Many tapes were shot under their guidance, which became famous all over the world. A film was shot on the territory of the Odesa Film Studio, which later became a business card of the city and was included in the top ten films of world cinema. We are talking about "Battleship Potemkin" by Sergei Eisenstein. It is impossible not to mention the films of Oleksandr Dovzhenko, the central figure of Ukrainian cinema. O. Dovzhenko's style gave birth to a new direction of "Ukrainian poetic cinema": "Zvenigora", "Arsenal", "Zemlya". The latter takes the 2nd position in the list of the 100 best films in the history of Ukrainian cinema and is included in the top 12 films of all times and nations. Such a top was formed based on the results of a survey of 117 film historians and film experts from 26 countries of the world at the Fifth World Exhibition held in Brussels in 1958.


The theoretical basis of the Western avant-garde became the psychoanalytic concept of 3. Freud, the main task of which was to penetrate into the hiding place of the human psyche and explain the specifics of the unconscious. The experiments of the French avant-garde and German expressionists became vivid film illustrations of psychoanalytic theory.

New Ukrainian film art The rapid growth of Ukrainian cinema began relatively recently. Even at the beginning of the 21st century, new Ukrainian films remained invisible to the Ukrainian audience, and there was not even a word about the world one. In recent years, the situation has changed radically. The film is noticed, it regularly appears on the big screens and enters world film festivals. The Law "On State Support of Cinematography in Ukraine", adopted in 2017, unlike its previous version, increased the possibilities of state funding. New mechanisms aimed at supporting cinematography are being implemented: strengthening the protection of copyright and audiovisual rights on the air, financing of television series. Such initiatives should form a balanced system of the film process and everything related to it: film education, film production and film distribution. The law makes it possible to partially recover qualified expenses for the promotion of cinematography at the national level. In this way, film studios and cinemas "on wheels" are supported in small cities of Ukraine.

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The appearance of "Essays" was a qualitatively new step in the development of domestic film studies. A wide range of scientists belonging to different schools and directions in film studies took part in the work. The authors did not set themselves the goal of consistently covering all stages of the formation and development of cinematography on the territory of Ukraine. But, without a doubt, the compilers and authors managed to focus on key moments, trace the most important regularities of the filmmaking process. Issues that have remained on the margins of the historical science of cinema have come into focus. Separate chapters are devoted to both local phenomena and entire historical stages, and the authors mostly build their research on a solid theoretical foundation.

Chaplin began his career in cinema at the Keystone Film studio. It was headed by the patriarch of American comedy M. Sennett, whose school also went through the famous comedians B. Keaton and G. Lloyd. However, the real "godfather" of American cinema of the beginning of the 20th century. certainly was D. W. Griffith (1875–1948). His films, among which the Birth of a Nation and Intolerance should be especially noted, enriched not only US cinema, but also the entire world cinema with new means of expression, improvement of the specifics of montage (parallel montage). Extremely interesting experiments are taking place at the same time and on the other side of the ocean - in the countries of Eastern Europe, in particular in Russia, where directors Ya. Protazanov, V. Gardin, E. Bauer, whose work was connected with the flourishing of the melodrama genre, are actively working.

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