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An important event in the development of cinema art in the 30s was the invention of sound. This new discovery actively influenced the development of the system of cinematic expressiveness, became an important component of the film image and led to the emergence of musical film genres: musicals, film operas, etc. At the same time, analyzing this period in the history of world cinema, it is necessary to remember that the 30s of the 20th century. were associated with acute social cataclysms. On the one hand, the Great Depression, which stunned the USA, and on the other hand, the imminent danger of fascism and totalitarianism, which loomed over Europe, gave rise to feelings of insecurity, fear, and tragic foreboding in the artists of the 1930s.


Scorsese and others; western– "Dances with Wolves"K. Kostner, psychological dramas - "Marathonets"J. Schlesinger, "Rain Man" by B. Levinsop, "Scent of a Woman" by M.Brest, "People vs. LarryFlint" by M. Foreman; disaster films - "Titanic" by D. Cameron and others.A characteristic feature of the modern American film process is active involvement incollaboration of leading foreign directors - L.Besson ("The Fifth Element", "Joan of Arc"), E.Kusturitsy ("Undegrau nd"), J.By ("Without a face"), E.Mengele ("The Englishman and the Patient","That gentleman is talentedRipley"), etc.The starry sky of Hollywood flash is new names. Nearwith recognized stars of the 80s and 90sx pp. A.Schwarzenegger , S. Stallone, R. Girom G. Ford,K. Costner, T. Cruz, N.Cage, S. Stone, K. Basinger, J. Foster, young actors A.diCaprio, E. North, D. Lowe.So, the cycle of acting life in Hollywood is endless...Characterizing recent significant eventsin US cinema, noone can not forget the phenomenon thatgot the name "tarantinomania". It's about creativityK. Tarantino. His movie" It's not a crimereading material" became to a certain extentepochal for the entire world film process. This istestimonythat the film world is tired of crueltyand started laughing. Today, K. Tarantino is considereda peculiar symbol of the new cinema, whichwon favor asintellectuals , yesandmass audience.

Each era, each generation examines and studies the history of art from its own point of view. This constitutes the same subjective knowledge of objective truth. The history of Ukrainian cinema began in the 20th century. already at the end of the 20s. One of the first books that highlighted the history of domestic cinema was Ya. Savchenko's book "The Birth of Ukrainian Soviet Cinema" (1930). Years of repressions and wartime disasters did not contribute to the emergence of fundamental works of film studies. And only at the end of the 1950s, three books of essays "Ukrainian Soviet Cinema" published by the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR appeared. Its authors I. Kornienko, A. Zhukova, G. Zhurov, A. Romitsyn provide a systematic picture of Ukrainian cinema from the post-revolutionary years to the post-war years. It is interesting that in the early 1960s, the American film critic B. Berest published his work "The History of Ukrainian Cinema" (1962), which was largely polemical about the point of view of Soviet historians.

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Despite the crisis of the US economy in the 1930s, the American cinematography of this period experienced the highest rise and prosperity - its "golden age". The viewer wanted to watch movies more than ever. This unexpected, at first glance, situation was explained quite simply. Along with exquisite elitist paintings by J. Ford (1895-1974) "The Grapes of Wrath", "Young Mr. Lincoln", W. Wyler (1902-1981) "The Dead Corner", "The Foxes", O. Wells (1915-1985) " Citizen Kane", which admired for its innovation in the field of drama, in the system of expressive means, stunned with its psychological depth and social significance, commercial genres are becoming widespread: gangster films, horror films, melodramas, musicals, westerns, etc. So, American cinema of the 1930s performed a certain compensatory function, distracting the viewer from life's problems.

Ukrainian cinematography was started way back in 1896, more than 125 years ago. The first film was shot by Alfred Fedetsky in Kharkiv in 1896, but it was not like the cinema we are used to. The tape was entitled "Transfer of the Miraculous Icon of the Mother of God from the Kuryaz Monastery to the Kharkiv Pokrovsky Monastery." She (title) immediately describes the plot of this two-minute long work. Thanks to this tape, A. Fedetskyi became the first Ukrainian cameraman of documentary films. A little later in the same year, he organized the first public screening for Ukraine, where he demonstrated three-minute documentary stories. At the same time, screenings of French films started in Lviv.

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