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The advantage of "Essays" is the structuring of the material full of internal logic, the examination of artistic phenomena from different perspectives, from different angles of view, which gives the study scientific volume and stereoscopicity.


V. Skurativskyi, considering the film process of the totalitarian era, resorts to convincing generalizations, searching for certain regularities according to which the cinematography of that era existed and developed. Analyzing the cinematographic works of the 1920s, S. Trimbach traces film processes in the context of national culture, highlighting the personality of O. Dovzhenko in a "close-up", emphasizing how fateful the appearance of this artist was for Ukrainian cinema.

The Western avant-garde of the 1920s is vividly represented in French cinematography, in particular in the films of R. Clair (1890–1981) - "Paris Fell Asleep." "Intermission"; A. Hansa (1889–198'!) – "Wheel", "Napoleon"; in the surrealist tapes of L. Beunuel ([900_1983) – "Andalusian Dog", "The Golden Age" and in the cinema of Germany, in the depths of which the direction that was called film expressionism arose. Its prominent representatives were R. Wiene (1881–1938) – the director of the film “Cab!net of Dr. Caligari”, which is considered a manifesto of this direction, F. Lang (1890–1976) – “The Nibelungen”, “Weary Death”: F. Murnau (1889–1931) – "Nosferatu", "The Last Man".

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An extremely interesting aspect was chosen by V. Slobodian, researching acting schools in the cinematography of Ukraine. The author focuses on the work of theater actors of Les Kurbas in the cinema, which makes it possible to judge the contribution of the great director to the art of cinema, despite the fact that no film directed directly by Kurbas has survived. The actors of the Kurbasa theater showed themselves brilliantly in the films of O. Dovzhenko, I. Kavaleridze, and other famous directors, fully taking advantage of the lessons of their great teacher.

Each era, each generation examines and studies the history of art from its own point of view. This constitutes the same subjective knowledge of objective truth. The history of Ukrainian cinema began in the 20th century. already at the end of the 20s. One of the first books that highlighted the history of domestic cinema was Ya. Savchenko's book "The Birth of Ukrainian Soviet Cinema" (1930). Years of repressions and wartime disasters did not contribute to the emergence of fundamental works of film studies. And only at the end of the 1950s, three books of essays "Ukrainian Soviet Cinema" published by the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR appeared. Its authors I. Kornienko, A. Zhukova, G. Zhurov, A. Romitsyn provide a systematic picture of Ukrainian cinema from the post-revolutionary years to the post-war years. It is interesting that in the early 1960s, the American film critic B. Berest published his work "The History of Ukrainian Cinema" (1962), which was largely polemical about the point of view of Soviet historians.

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