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Hollywood is notonly movie studios andabode of the stars, thisalso a huge television business,record companies, commercial publishing houses , tourist offices.In a word, gigantica machine that continuously delivers entertainment and100% subject to lawsbusiness world. There is no profit herefrom the box office is only a thin onetop layer ANDthe lion's share of profits to companiesprovide product placement(let's remember, for example , howin the film "The Matrix" ineveryone flashes before our eyes every secondpossible products of the Samsung brand, andlet's try to imagine how much she earned from thisfilm studio), sale of rights tofilms for airlines, use of heroes ingames/comics/advertisements , releasesouvenir products.Let's not forget, no matter howI wanted to forget about it, that Hollywood cinema is quietalso serves state interests. Often the customer of that orthere is another tapePentagon. "The green onesberet" by John Ray, "The best shooter" by Tony Scott,"Pearl Harbor" by Michael Bay, "A Dayindependence " by Roland Emmerich, "Thirty minutes aftermidnight" Kathryn Bigelow, "Man fromof steel" by Zack Snyder and many other films in whichor else a good word soundsabout the state and its military power, removedto order and with solid financial participationPentagon.


Scorsese and others; western– "Dances with Wolves"K. Kostner, psychological dramas - "Marathonets"J. Schlesinger, "Rain Man" by B. Levinsop, "Scent of a Woman" by M.Brest, "People vs. LarryFlint" by M. Foreman; disaster films - "Titanic" by D. Cameron and others.A characteristic feature of the modern American film process is active involvement incollaboration of leading foreign directors - L.Besson ("The Fifth Element", "Joan of Arc"), E.Kusturitsy ("Undegrau nd"), J.By ("Without a face"), E.Mengele ("The Englishman and the Patient","That gentleman is talentedRipley"), etc.The starry sky of Hollywood flash is new names. Nearwith recognized stars of the 80s and 90sx pp. A.Schwarzenegger , S. Stallone, R. Girom G. Ford,K. Costner, T. Cruz, N.Cage, S. Stone, K. Basinger, J. Foster, young actors A.diCaprio, E. North, D. Lowe.So, the cycle of acting life in Hollywood is endless...Characterizing recent significant eventsin US cinema, noone can not forget the phenomenon thatgot the name "tarantinomania". It's about creativityK. Tarantino. His movie" It's not a crimereading material" became to a certain extentepochal for the entire world film process. This istestimonythat the film world is tired of crueltyand started laughing. Today, K. Tarantino is considereda peculiar symbol of the new cinema, whichwon favor asintellectuals , yesandmass audience.

A text dedicated to television (by I. Pobedonostseva) stands a little apart from the general picture. And yet its appearance seems quite logical in the general structure of the book. After all, today most of the films become the achievement of a wide audience precisely thanks to their demonstration on the TV screen. In addition, television makes it possible to introduce the younger generation to the heritage of cinematic classics. Essays are thought to be just the beginning. They will become the foundation of the publication, built on a systematic and consistent presentation and analysis of the processes and phenomena of domestic cinema.

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Horror films include films intended to frighten the viewer, to cause a feeling of anxiety and fear, to create a tense atmosphere of horror or painful anticipation of something terrible. The main characters of such tapes are vampires, werewolves, zombies, etc. As in many genres of cinema, in horror films, a picture of the struggle between Good and Evil appears before the viewer. However, the victory does not always remain with the Good.

In the second half of the 70s- the first half of the 80sfilmmakers are trying to understandVietnamese tragedy. INa genius forever remained in the treasury of the world cinematographyepisode - flightAmerican x helicopters to the music of "Flight of the Valkyries" fromoperas by R. Wagner"Ring of the Nibelung" ,which symbolizes impendinginevitable tragedy.In the specified period, the genre palette of American cinema was enriched.Simultaneously with melodramas, newa kind of action movie ("Superman" by R. Zonner, "Konai,barbarian" by J. Milius), ironic comedies ("Interiors ", "Manhattan" by V. Allen andetc.) onpolitical tapes appear on the screens ("Justice for all"S. Pollak), space films("Star Wars" by J. Lucas") and others.A special place in the US film arts of the second half of the 70s and early 80ssit for yearsfilms that make sense of the phenomenon of the film and television industry and the fate of people who were associated with themown life.

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